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B. Tech CSE (Cyber-Security)


4 Years

(8 semesters)





B. Tech CSE (Cyber-Security)

About the Course

NIET offers a four-year under-graduate B.Tech course in Cyber Security which aims to develop a strong foundation that will allow students to learn comprehensive approaches to protect infrastructure including data and information. Cybersecurity plays pivotal role in today’s information era. The demand for security and privacy of data is growing with each passing hour as effectiveness of a business relies on real time secure processing of data. The program will equip students with ability to perform risk analysis, mitigation techniques, architecting cloud-based security, along with gaining deep understanding of compliance standards with its best-in-class program.

This course is best suited for students seeking to build world-class expertise in the field of Ethical hacking, Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics, IT data and application security, Network security and data encryption. This will position students to make immediate impact as well as long term success as a cyber-security professional.

Honours Degree Using MOOCs Platform Coursera/Infosys Springboard

Industry Certifications

Twinning Programs with Foreign Universities

Application Process

  • Register on portal by filling & submitting Registration Form.
  • Please take a note of Email ID and Phone Number used during registration.
  • Email ID submitted at the time of registration will be used for all communication until application is completed.
  • To login, enter phone number provided at time of registration, you will receive an OTP. Enter OTP to login.
  • Once registered on portal, you can log into portal to start your application.
  • You can always continue your application from where you have left.
  • Affordable education with maximum learning

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

At the end of the program, the student will be able to

  • PSO1: The ability to create secure applications, systems, and networks
  • PSO2: The ability to master the concepts and theories to navigate policy changes impacting computer security and develop cross-disciplinary strategy to tackle the complex challenges involved in keeping our digital information safe.
  • PSO3: The ability to conduct investigation of complex security problems and tackle the technical, regulatory and business challenges of cyber security ethically.
Our Courses

Apply Online for Admission to B.Tech (Cyber Security)

You can apply online for admission to B.Tech (Cyber Security) quite conveniently in a hassle-free way. For more information about the program, you can download the brochure below.


NIET, 19, Knowledge Park-II, Institutional Area, Greater Noida (UP) -201306